Entrepreneurs: How To Leverage LinkedIn For Business

LinkedIn celebrates its 20th anniversary this year and, let me tell you, it has come a long way. To be honest, I remember thinking LinkedIn was super boring when I first started using it 13 years ago. Gone are the days of strict resume updates and job searches. It has significantly evolved and added fantastic features and benefits for entrepreneurs and business owners. Here are some of my favourites.

Audience Reach 

In Q2 FY22 alone, there were 15.4 billion, (yes, with a B) sessions on LinkedIn. People are spending time on LinkedIn and it’s not all buttoned-up job-seeking scrolling. It's the curiosity of a connection’s new venture, a small share about a networking event you went to that encourages an old colleague to reach out and authentic sharing of what you and your business are doing. And, big stories for when you and your business should do some good ol’ bragging. There will always be time to do some good ol’ bragging.

Audience Growth

The international user base is growing at twice the rate of the US user base. This means more opportunities for expanding your connections and your business. New connections and followers in different parts of the world bring in new opportunities. Your business benefits, as do you, when you optimize your LinkedIn profile.. Being seen as an industry expert can lead to speaking opportunities and inclusion in relevant forums. 

2X the conversion rate AND 2X the buying power

Yes, you read that right. The users that come from LinkedIn are much more likely to convert when they visit your website. And, with their higher-than-average buying power, they are committed buyers who are more likely to make a purchase. Not spending time on LinkedIn is like leaving money on the table and no one likes that. That additional revenue can enable you to make that new hire, explore new offers or allow you to take that vacation you’ve been putting off.

Network Growth through LinkedIn Live

LinkedIn Live lets you create your own stage on the platform so you can extend your network. Doing a Live interview with a complementary business or colleague, who is active on LinkedIn, enables you to get in front of their aligned audience and provide value for their time. You don’t always need to sell, but rather come up with a topic that you know is a struggle for your target clients, address their pain points and share how to solve them. 

This kind of exposure may increase lead generation, but the bigger goal is to have more people know who you are and what you excel at. When they need what you offer, you are top of mind.

Direct Access to your Dream Connections

It’s not unprofessional to send a connection request with someone you don’t already know or have a shared connection with. That’s the piece de resistance - giving you direct access to your dream clients and collaborators. Being intentional and strategic with your connections is a great way to build your business and your professional reach.

With all this exciting potential, you might be wondering where to start if it’s been a while since you’ve really, or ever, engaged on LinkedIn. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed or think you need to do all-the-things at once. 

Here’s what I recommend to focus on:

1. Tailor your content.

Ensure your posts address the struggles of your ideal client and how you, and your business, offer THE best option for them. Consider how they are feeling about those struggles and how they WILL feel with your solution. No need for a hard sell like a 1980's info-mercial. It’s just bringing awareness to the way you improve people’s lives.

2. Tell people exactly what you want them to do next.

A call to action is incredibly important for your post to have the most impact for your business. Now, don’t be wishy washy and say “I’d love to hear your thoughts.” Being really specific is the trick. Try something like “Comment below with your favourite feature.” or “Click the link to book a call.” You have a short window of time to encourage a next step, so make it clear and simple to increase your engagement. Be sure to include relevant links so your future customer can learn more and or book that call immediately.

3. Share your knowledge.

Not every post should have the goal of converting your audience. There is a time and place for posts that simply allow you to share your knowledge to establish you as an expert. This is essential because your business needs will change, markets will evolve and one day, you may want to pivot to take advantage of a new opportunity. As long as you have been authentic and provided value in your content and engagement, you will create an audience that will support and trust you in your new direction.

If leveling up your LinkedIn game seems like too much for you right now, I hear you. Creating a smart, strategic plan that showcases you and your business can be a lot of work. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it alone.

In my LinkedIn VIP for Business Owners program, we optimize your profile, make a 28-day plan to create content that helps you stand out and generate leads.

To get started with building your LinkedIn plan together, click the button below.


How To Grow Your LinkedIn Connections